About the movie

Gregor Spörri travels to Egypt in 1988. During his adventurous stay, he comes across the chopped-off finger of an apparently human-like giant, as described in ancient legends and legends of the gods. The then 33-year-old was both shocked and fascinated by the mummified monster claw. In the decades that followed, he began to carry out worldwide research into the “biblical” Giants.
Further information: Mystery searches

Gregor Spörri would like to publish his sometimes irritating research findings as a non-fiction book, but he lacks support from established scientific circles.
As a result, he decided not to do so and published his findings for interested parties on this website and, from 2025, on his YouTube page: Gregor Spörri Mystery.
H.R. Giger, creator of the legendary film monster Alien, to whom he recounts his disturbing experience in Egypt, is fascinated by Spörri’s story.
“In all my creations, I am driven by my own primal fears.
But when I put my fears on canvas or create a sculpture, I can free myself from them to a certain extent.
I see it as a kind of division.
At least that’s how it is for me.
If this thing gets too much for you, try to write down your knowledge and your ideas, no matter how crazy they are.
Maybe as a novel or a screenplay for a movie.
That can act as an outlet, because you are completely free in your thoughts and no one will be able to hold anything against you …”
Spörri accepts Giger’s advice and the challenge.
To date, five editions of his story have been published, which he is gradually developing further.
The latest edition 2024 is available as a paperback and richly illustrated e-book.

Over the years, the author has repeatedly received reviews of LOST GOD as well as personal emails from readers asking him to bring the story to the big screen.
Spörri struggles with the idea, as his novel contains some scenes that are very difficult to film. Nevertheless, sketches, illustrations, models, a first version of the script and test recordings for a teaser are created over time.